
admin 2023-09-05 冲孔板新闻 83 0

▲更多名品,高度关注“搜建筑物”青浦控江路耶稣基督堂Wutopia Lab|非作建筑物

“心灵中或者说关键的并非你遭受了什么,而要你读懂了什么样事,又是怎样珍视的”——斯卡纳角·罗德里格斯·百年孤独"What really matters in life is not what happens to you, but what you remember and how you remember it." ——Gabriel Garcia Marquez。

2023年6月,Wutopia Lab结构设计的青浦控江路耶稣基督堂耗时8年而最后竣工我花了一点儿天数自述,即使我早已很多发生改变,而彼时结构设计的因由早已很多模糊不清但在这个紧要关头,我正著迷于用乳白色来现代化抒发我认知的扬州的右军的美和另一面企图彷徨的精神力量。

In June 2023, the Fengxian Qixian Jesus Church designed by Wutopia Lab was finally completed after eight years. It took me a little while to recall because I had changed a bit, and the reasons for the design at that time had become a little fuzzy. But I remember at the time, I was fascinated by the use of translucency as a contemporary expression of what I understood to be the restrained beauty of Jiangnan and the struggling forces behind it.


我在建筑物控制线一圈竖立起作为视觉边界的乳白色围合“面纱”,主配楼是这个“面纱”所限定的场域内的建筑物它们连同视觉边界“面纱”形成一个完整的建筑物抒发,一个完整的场所Uniqueness with a bit of moderation. The brief called for the main and ancillary buildings to be separated. I decided to use the 16.7m high main hall as the core of the main building, inserting offices and other facilities on its west and north sides while placing the small auditorium on the highest level of the office area to create a vertical community. And the ancillary building is the canteen. Treating the entire site as a building called a place is my most significant strategy. I have erected a translucent enclosing "veil" as a visual boundary around the architectural control line, while the main and ancillary buildings are buildings within this field defined by this "veil". Together, with the visual boundary of the "veil", they form a complete architectural expression, a complete place.


这样调整还有一个好处就是,大礼堂首层可以直接朝南,在天气好的时候,大礼堂可以完全南向打开,把室外场地作为礼堂用地的延伸这也是我企图礼堂室外化的结果Then I wanted to maintain a sense of symmetry within the building. However in the site plan, firstly, I adjusted the center lines of the main building so that they are parallel but not on the center line of the base; and secondly, I made the center lines of the auditorium parallel to each other but not according to the center line of the main building. This new layout not only avoids the rigidity of conventional symmetry but also opens up possibilities for some lively vitality while maintaining the sanctity of symmetry in areas in need. Another advantage of this adjustment is that the first floor of the auditorium can face directly south. When the weather is nice, the main hall can be opened up completely southward so that the outdoor field can be used as an extension of the auditorium site. This is also a result of my attempt to bring the outside into the auditorium.


更关键的是它会将界面内的场域标志成一个完整的场所,进来就是一个新领地The obscure light of Jiangnan. The translucent "veil" is one of the means by which I try to express the obscure light of Jiangnan through architecture. It can express shadows on the visual interface which change with daylight and the shadows can either be projections or transmissions of natural or man-made elements. It can also create filtered sunlight in this field enclosed by the visual interface, not so hot, but somewhat uncertain just like the weather in Jiangnan, in which you are. More importantly, it signifies the field within the interface as a complete place, going inside is entering a new territory.


I used a dense grille in the auditorium to form an internal visual barrier in conjunction with the north-south skylights. If it were not for consideration of the cost, I would have twisted the grille a bit to create an indeterminate reflection. The current design works too as the vertical continuous reflections of the aluminum grille and the skylight together form a curtain of light that feels like a rain screen; the crowd is within this not-so-intense but encompassing curtain of light where their heart belongs.

最后,我用不同灰度的灰色粉饰了主配楼的不同部分墨分五彩,安宁在扬州水汽弥漫中Finally, I used different shades of grey to paint different parts of the main building. The ink is divided into five colors, peacefully diffused in the light fog above Jiangnan water.。



A small change in eight years. I used expanded mesh instead of perforated aluminum or solar panels for the "veil" because it is cheaper and reduces wind resistance better. To ensure the strength and safety of the "veil", I also agreed to enlarge the cross-section of the supporting columns of the "veil" while adding diagonal struts to the columns at intervals. In order to avoid additional plan approvals and cost increases due to overruns, I also agreed to add columns on both sides of the main auditorium to avoid a large single-span space and the addition of two large beams across the curved ceiling which would interrupt the transverse skylight. Still, for cost control, I replaced the rose wall with a floral brick wall. Some adjustments, however, were rejected by me. I disagreed with an architectural system that would have supports sticking out from the main structure to help support the veil because I like clear boundary definitions.



The biggest change came from me. I agreed to many of these minor adjustments. When I was younger I would have called it a "compromise". During the eight long years, I understood the keyword "relax" in traditional Chinese architecture as Mr. Zhuang Shen mentioned. This means adjusting the details flexibly in a fault-tolerant way to ensure visual integrity when the details cannot be precise. The details were adjusted based on the integrity of the design without destroying the whole design in the end. Its completion is almost unchanged compared to the renderings that won the bid eight years ago. I have become more capable of facing challenges over the eight years. You stand in the middle of the main auditorium, the interior floor extends to the further earth outside, the light of the sky is as soft as a drizzle hitting your head, and you feel that the world, ebbs and flows like the sea.

“而这个信念就是,一个人能够通过哪怕最细微的举动,为恢复这个世界的秩序出一把力”——埃默·托尔斯"And that belief is that one person can contribute to restoring order to this world by even the smallest gesture.” -Amor Towles。










剖面图项目信息项目名称: 青浦控江路耶稣基督堂结构设计公司:Wutopia Lab | 非作建筑物主持建筑物师: 俞挺项目经理&项目建筑物师:戴欣旸结构设计团队:项目第三阶段(2022-2023):穆芝霖,宋齐宁(实习),张雨城(实习)

项目第二阶段(2015-2017):余婧,宋梦娇(实习) 蔡承泽(实习)项目第一阶段(2015):夏慕蓉,王雨斌(实习)结构顾问:缪滨海灯光顾问:张宸露施工图结构设计:北京之景市政建设规划结构设计有限公司项目负责:曹克武

建筑物结构设计:王叶 乐军伟结构结构设计:顾建平 王高挺 仰超机电设备结构设计:龚叶丹 陆继东 刘玉洪装修结构设计:陈铮元委托方:北京青浦新城建设发展有限公司甲方建筑物师:李娜,顾浩施工单位:北京建工二建集团有限公司项目位置: 奉浦大道以北,汇六路以南三角地沿河景观内

建筑物面积: 2598㎡结构设计周期:2015.7——2017.8建造周期:2021.11——2023.6结构形式:钢结构(帷幕)混凝土结构(建筑物主体)摄影:CreatAR Images出镜:Sendy▼ 更多名品·









